Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weighted/Strict Pull ups
Warm-up sets: your call
Work sets: x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
Rest time: 3.5 minute clock

Touch n Go Dead-lifts (minimal bounce)
Warm-up sets: x10 x8 x6
Work sets: x10 x10 x10 x10 (possibly around 68-70%
Rest time: 2.5 minute clock

Crossover Step up into Lateral Lunge
Warm-up sets: x3-4 each leg (unweighted)
Work sets: x15ea x15ea x15ea
Rest time: 1-1.5 minute rest b/w sets

90/48 Push ups
Single Unders

Guys, you can't do more than or less than 15 reps at a time. Sets only have to be separated by a single jump rope (one time through), or more, but if you fail during any set, it gets scraped and you have to start back at 1, for that set. How fast can you get all reps done. Ladies, you you get 8 per. Scale if you need to but it'll be six sets no matter what number you choose.

Post all results to comments.


Sherv said...

Weighted Pull ups 5x3: 25#, 30#, 35#, 40#, 50#
Dead lifts 4x10: 242# across. My 1rm is around 340 but I felt like I could have gone heavier on this.
Crossover step ups: trng plate x1, green x2
Pushups: 4:38 rx'd.


Yogi said...

Pull ups - 2 set strict, 2 set red band , x number of sets with blue band
Dead lifts - 1 set 154#, 2 set 164#, 1 set 169#
Crossover step ups: 3 set training plate
Pushups: 3 sets 10 reps, 3 sets 8 reps

Steve said...

Pull-ups- 5x3 - 15,20,25,30,35,15 (did extra set)
DL- 4x10 - 198
X-over step ups- BW,
10lbs, 15lbs

Pushups- 6:00 rx'd.

Oren said...

Hello fellow badasses
Pullups - 5x3: 10,15,20,25 (2.5 reps), 20 (2.5 reps)
I think I bit off slightly more than I could chew. The third rep in the last 2 sets were incomplete.

DL - 4x10 - 155
This weight felt easy, but Ricky corrected my form, so I wanted to put that first. I can tell I still have some work to do, especially involving my back height and not hitting my knees, judging from the stink eye he gave me a few times.

XL Stepup: BW. This excercise notified me (lol) about my excessively tight hip flexors.

Pushups/Single Unders: Aimed for sets of 10, but gassed quickly

Unknown said...

Pull ups - 5x3: 15#, 20#, 25#, 30#, 30#
Dead lifts - 4x10: 242# across
Crossover step ups: trn plate x1, green x2
Pushups: 4:43 rx'd

Matt C. said...

Pull ups - BWx3x4, BWx2 last set
Dead lifts - 4x10: 230# across
Crossover - BW rx'd
Pushups - DNF

robert said...

Pull ups: BW x3, 20# x3, 25# x3, 25# x3, 20# x3
Touch and go dead-lift: 286# x10, 264# x10, 264# x8, 242# x8.
Crossover - BW, BW, 10#

I suck at high rep schemes. It is something I definitely need to work on. For dead-lift I used an old one rep of 425#. I believe I could have got all 10 reps across if I started with 264.

Anthony said...

Pull-ups- 5x3 - red, red & tan band
DL- 4x10 - 198
X-over step ups- unweighted

Pushups- 8 reps per round

Crystal said...

Pullups - BW 3x5

Deadlifts - 154, 154, 154, 154

x-over step ups/lat lunge -
unweighted, trainer, 15# DB

Pushups - 6x8 (made it all the way thru barely)