Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 100623

Not for time or reps, just for work:
One minute of Alternating Sledgehammer Swings to a Tire
One minute of 3 Red Plate Step ups (35#/20# DB's on the shoulders)
1 minute of rest
3 sets

Post thoughts to comments.

Here is the first of many conditioning workouts. These are substitution workouts for the met-cons you normally feel the desire to do. I will try to base them so that they don't interfere with your strength gains.

If you don't want to do them, don't do them. If you would rather just cut out met-cons all together, that is most optimal. But in any sense, this is an alternative.

I will post a conditioning workout on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's. I would prefer that they be done on those days AFTER your lifting (or Tue/Thur/Sat if that is your schedule) so that it doesn't affect your lifts as that should be your focus.

Assistance work and conditioning are in place to help bring up your lifts by improving your weaknesses and to maintain some work capacity as both those can affect your strength gains.

Have weak hamstrings and your squat suffers. Have weak triceps and your bench suffers. You do assistance work to improve these areas and both your squat and bench go up. As for work capacity, you need a good amount of it but not to the extent that it interferes with your ability to get stronger. You want it to compliment it. You want it to help you get in your strength volume so that you don't fatigue easily during your work sets and so that you can recover from set to set much quicker and more fully.

Have fun with it and let's get strong.


Jake said...

I like having a met-con alternative. This is a huge benefit for those in the strength class. Will this be available at the new 7 a.m. class?

Ricky Frausto said...

Jake, this met-con is for doing right after the lifts on your respective strength day.

lynn said...

Hi Ricky, I want to make sure I'm reading this information right. tomorrow after lifting we can do the sledgehammer/3 plate step ups? However since today's WOD is not for time or a lifting exercise it would be an ok one to attend?

Ricky Frausto said...


The workouts I post on here are normally to be completed after you lift on Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's. Hopefully, this will keep you from coming to normal classes to get your met-cons or at least slow it down.

I don't mind you coming to regular classes, I just dont want you to overdo it and thus detract from your strength development.

I posted the sledgehammer wod for wednesday but it is meant for Wednesday and Thursday while Friday's conditioning wod will be meant for Friday and Saturday.

Hope this clears things up a bit.


Anonymous said...

Ricky: Please elaborate on "detracting from your strength development" from "overdoing it."

Will Metcon's slow strength development because we'll be too wiped out from Metcon's to go balls out during lifting? Or is there another reason Metcon's are not optimal during strength sessions?

I had planned to incorporate a running program into my life during the strength program but have eliminated that idea based on doing what is optimal for strength development.

I'll shut up and listen now.

Chad Barthel

Ricky Frausto said...

Chad, ask me in person and I'll recommend something for you.

BigD said...

The conditioning was a fun end to the strength workout. Can't wait for the next!