Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday 101122

Conditioning WOD
4 rounds of:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Dead-lifts, 185#/132#
10 Pull ups
20 Double Unders

8 minute cut-off. All reps except for double unders must be unbroken. If this can't be done, scale so that you are able to. This doesn't mean make it easy, it means don't let it become a strength focuse for any of the movements.

What do you think? Know what I think, he's got a point. Doesn't mean that I would ever stop back squatting but it did influence my philosophy of using more single leg work and to never go without a belt once I hit around 90%.

I have known and long respected Coach Boyle for many years. He knows his shit and has contributed a lot to the field of human performance. You'd be wise to listen.

1 comment:

crossfiteclipse said...

mmm, i wonder if Mike would have try their athletes to squat lower than parallel?
i respect mike, but I think he plays it too safe durng training. I know he dislikes crossfit.
i'm not 100% on crossfit, i see some flaws.
but even with pistols i see the knee shooting out t far over the toe or even the knee laterally moving.
could wweighted lunges be a good variation also?
how do we train the low back?
that might be a solution also.